Advanced MD No-Show / Missed Appointment Notices

This article describes how you can easily easily and cost-effectively get your no-show and late cancellation patients back on your schedule with Missed Appointment Notices (calls or text messages) from AdvancedMD (ADP) using 1-800 Notify.

Using our Missed Appt. Notices will help keep your schedules fuller. Being able to quickly reach out to everyone who missed an appointment in just a few minutes will ensure that everyone gets the message. More patients reached, more quickly, will result in more slots being filled.

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This is the first step you need to do in order to upload your schedule to your account on the secure 1-800 Notify web server for phone calls to be made (or text messages to be sent) to your patients. 

1.) Start AdvancedMD.

2.) Select Reports > Appointments > Cancelled/No Show Visits

3.)  On the next window, select the DATE RANGE for your missed appointment notices.  If you're doing this weekly, then select last week.  Monthly - select last month.  Daily - select yesterday or the previous working day.

Click the radio button next to "No Show" (or "Both" depending on what you want to send notices for).

Click "Select All" for columns.

Check the check box next to "Export on Run"

Select "CSV (COMMA DELIMITED)" under "Export on Run".

Then, click Run Report.

TIP: If you have the correct security rights, you can click the Save Setting button to save your changes.

TIP: Click the "Star" next to Cancelled / No Show Visits in the left column to make it a favorite and easier to find next time. 


4.)  Depending on your browser, a few different things could happen next.

If you see a yellow bar at the bottom of your screen with OPEN, SAVE, CANCEL buttons, then click the pull-down next to the SAVE button and select **SAVE AS. 

**NOTE: This step may be a little different for you if you are not using Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.  But look for a "SAVE" or "SAVE AS" button so you can save the exported file.

If you don't see this yellow bar, your system may simply save the file into your "DOWNLOADS" folder.

You may be asked for a location and file name, as shown in the next step. 

5.) Now, select a folder to save the file where you can easily find it to select it when you want to upload it to 1-800 Notify and create a file name that is easy to remember.  Usually the date range of the no-shows you've selected works well.  If you are exporting for No-Shows-Jan-2017, then name the file the same thing.

---------------- YOU ARE DONE WITH THE EXPORT -----------------

NEXT STEP - Login to your account on 1-800 Notify ( to securely upload your calling schedule using these instructions:  

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