You may have had your staff try to do wellness calls, but they are getting too busy. You might never have done wellness calls or Population Based Outreach campaigns, but need to get started. You may now be part of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and need to do wellness calls as part of your performance metrics.
Let 1-800 Notify take care of all your wellness or Population Based Outreach (PBO) campaign needs. This article shows a few sample wellness scripts and some tips and tricks in planning and executing a successful wellness campaign.
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A few things to keep in mind:
- While these are telephone scripts, they could be easily adapted to text message or email campaigns.
- Keep it short. While you might want to include more information in the message, keeping it short will generally yield better results.
- Allow for live-transfers (option). If you have the staff to accept live transfers for appointment scheduling requests, you can insert a phrase like: "please press 2 to talk with our staff now" and have patients directly transfer to your team to schedule their appointments.
- HIPAA Compliance. It's important to keep the messages as generic as possible to follow HIPAA guidelines about providing the minimum amount of information required to accomplish your goal.
- Speed of calls. If you allow for live transfers, we can slow down the outbound calls so your staff is not overwhelmed. If you are not allowing live transfers, then we can make the calls go very quickly.
- Timing of calls. If you will allow live transfer to your staff, then you'll have to time these calls to go out when your staff is available, if not, you can send them in the evening when you are more likely to reach people at home or out of their normal workday.
- Make Wellness Calls a Frequent Event. Instead of doing this once a year, we suggest making wellness calls a more frequent event, as part of your normal process. Monthly works well, or with automation you could do this weekly or even daily.
- Generating data for calls. If you are going to do a campaign, you will need to pull reports from your medical system that show the correct patients to contact. For example, if you want to remind patients do get their annual checkup done, then you might run a report showing you every patient who was seen between 12 and 13 months ago but not since.
- Allow for opt-out. Especially in cases when you may be contacting patients who have not been in your office for more than a year, you might want to consider adding an option for them to opt-out or tell you they no longer get their healthcare from your office.
- Reporting Wellness Campaign Results. You may need to provide proof that a wellness campaign was executed (maybe because your organization is part of an ACO). It's easy to export an Excel-readable file from the 1-800 Notify secure web interface. Learn more with this related article:
- Including Important Identifying Information for Results Reporting. It's a good idea to include a patient's unique medical ID, account number, or medical record number in the data you upload to 1-800 Notify for the campaign. Including unique identifying information, will allow you to more easily track results when the campaign is completed.
Generic - Multi-purpose
Hello, this is ___________ with an important message for __(patient first name)___. Our records show you are now due for an important checkup or diagnostic work. Getting planned checkups or diagnostic work can help keep you healthier by identifying and treating issues as early as possible. Your health is important to us and we'd like to get you scheduled soon. Don't delay, please press 2 to talk with our staff now or call us back at ___________ to schedule soon. If you have moved out of the area or no longer get your healthcare from us, please press 8. Thank you.
Flu Season Is Here!
Hello, this is ___________ letting you know that flu season is here. We have flu immunizations available now. Remember, your insurance will typically cover the cost of the immunization. Your health is important to us -- Don't delay, please call ___________ to schedule your appointment soon. Thank you.
Annual Well Woman Visit
Hello, this is ___________ Women's Health Center with an important message for __(patient first name)___. Our records show you are now due for your annual check-up. If you have just scheduled, we thank you! If you have not scheduled your appointment, don't delay, please call ___________ to schedule soon. Thank you.
Annual Physical / Check-up - Adult
Hello, this is ___________ with an important message for __(patient first name)___. Our records show you are now due for your annual check-up. Keep in mind that your insurance will usually pay for this visit, so you can consider it a present to yourself. Don't delay, please call ___________ to schedule soon. Thank you.
Annual Physical / Check-up - Child
Hello, this is ___________ with an important message for the parents or guardians of __(patient first name)___. Our records show your child is now due for their annual check-up. Keep in mind that your insurance will usually pay for this visit. Don't delay, please call ___________ to schedule soon. Thank you.
Annual Eye Exam
Hello, this is ___________ Eye Center with an important message for __(patient first name)___. Our records show you are now due for your annual eye exam. Your vision health is important to us, so please don't delay, call ___________ to schedule soon. Thank you.
Annual Dental Checkup
Hello, this is ___________ Dental Center with an important message for __(patient first name)___. Our records show you are now due for your annual dental exam. An annual exam can help identify and prevent issues that could become more serious if untreated. Your dental health is important to us, so please don't delay, call ___________ to schedule soon. Thank you.
Chronic Care - E.g. Diabetes
Hello, this is ___________ with an important message for __(patient first name)___. Our records show you are now due for your checkup. Frequent checkups can help identify and prevent issues that could become more serious if untreated. Your health is important to us, so please don't delay, call ___________ to schedule soon. Thank you.
Diagnostic Exam - e.g. Colonoscopy or Mammogram
Hello, this is ___________ with an important message for __(patient first name)___. Our records show you are now due for important diagnostic work. Getting planned diagnostic work can help identify and treat issues more quickly. Your health is important to us and we'd like to get you scheduled soon. Don't delay, please call ___________ to schedule soon. Thank you.