Appointment Reminder Calls or Text Messages for NextGen (Excel Export XLSX)


Want to try our appointment reminders? Click here:

You can now easily send appointment reminder calls or texts for all your patients if you use NextGen.  There are various versions which 1-800 Notify is compatible with. If this procedure doesn't work for your version, please check out our other articles related to NextGen: 

1.) Login to NextGen.

2.) From the menu, select

Reports > Scheduling > Appointments Listing


3.)  Select Filter 1, then change the Dates to the date of the appointments for which you want to send reminders.  Example: If you wanted to send reminders 2 days ahead of today (and today was Monday 3/13/17, you'd select Wednesday, 3/15/17).

NOTE: You may need to adjust other filters or Settings based on your environment, such as eliminating other locations to only show your clinic (or your clinics).

Then click OK to see the schedule list report from NextGen.



4.)  Verify that the list of patients pulled up on the report screen looks correct (e.g. Date of appointments, patients listed, etc.)  Then click the Export to Excel icon at the top.


5.) Finally, you will be prompted to select a location (folder) and name the file you are exporting from NextGen.  Select a folder (or create a folder) that will make the file easy to find later.  Also, we recommend naming the file the date of the exported appointments (ex: 3.14.17) so you can also identify it easily.



You're done with the export!  Next, login to your account at to securely upload your file and schedule when the reminders will start.

Here's how to get that done: 





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