Now, you can easily send phone call or text message appointment reminders from MEDENT. If you want to send affordable appointment reminder calls or text messages from MEDENT, you can use the service from 1-800 Notify by simply exporting your daily schedule to a file and uploading it to your HIPAA secure account. It's very easy to setup and use. Once you get going, it just takes about 3 minutes a day to call and/or text all your MEDENT patients!
VALIDATE MOBILE PHONE NUMBERS: If you choose, we can auto-detect if the phone number you entered is a valid mobile phone or a land line. If it's a mobile phone and you want us to send a text reminder, we'll do it.
Like to give us a try? Check out our FREE TRIAL.
STEP 1: Export the daily schedule to a file from MEDENT.
1. Click on REPORTS, then click Appointments > Office Appointments > Print Office Appointments as shown.
2. Click Settings in the upper left corner.
3. If you have not done this before, you will not see a setting listed, so click "Add New Setting" otherwise, click the setting you previously saved (may be called REMINDER CALLS) from the settings.
4. Select Appointments From Date and Appointment Thru Dates to be the date of the appointments you wish to export for your reminders. Scroll down.
5. Click Create File for Export, then select X XML File. If prompted, then select
Transfer to PC un-encrypted
Make sure Include Cell Phone = Yes
Include Appointment Notes = Yes
And, if you want to send a reminder to patients shown as confirmed in the schedule, set "Include Appointment Confirmed" = Yes
6. Now, you are ready to run the report, so click the Checkmark in the upper left corner.
7. When prompted, select a file folder that you can easily find later when you need to locate the file for uploading to - such as your Desktop (or create a new folder called 1-800 Notify).
Name the file the date of the exported appointments, so it's easy to locate when you have many export files in that folder.
STEP 2: Upload that exported schedule file from MEDENT to your account on
Click here to learn how to do that with this related article.