Appointment Reminders with WinMedStat and 1-800 Notify

This article shows you how easy it is to send patient appointment reminder calls and text messages from WinMedStat (Win Med Stat) using 1-800 Notify.  If you don't yet have an account, please contact us and we'll set you up with a free trial.

1. Log into WinMedStat.

2. From the menu, select Reports > Daily Appointments (File Export)

3. Select the date for the appointments that you wish to send reminders.  Usually tomorrow or 2 working days ahead, according to your preference.

Select <All> to make sure all providers schedules are included in the export.

Click OK.

4. Now, click the Print button.

5.  Leave CSV selected as file format, and click the Browse button.

6. Select a folder to store your exported schedule file.  Sometimes, just on the Desktop is fine, or you can create a new folder to store it like "1800 Notify Appointments".

Type a file name with the date of the exported files (don't use "/", but use "-")

Example: 04-22-2015

Click Open.


7.  Now, click OK to save your exported schedule file.


You're done with the export, the next step is to login to your secure account on to upload and schedule the reminders to start.

Click here to learn how to get this done.


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