How to send patient appointment reminders from Clinix (Cloud based) EHR Software. This article shows you how to send patient appointment reminder calls from your Clinix system using the 1-800 Notify ( service.
Want to try our appointment reminders? Click here.
1. Log into Clinix.
2. Click the Reports icon in the top menu bar to see the Reports screen.
3. Type report number 12955 or click the report from the list:
Appointments by Doc w/Loc. Reason Codes - CSV (12955_csv)
4. On the Report Parameter Form, enter the Beginning and Ending Appt. Dates, and other information for your needs. For example, enter your Group Code if you only want to send appointments for one group.
5. What happens next depends on your web browser download settings and your computer type.
- You may see an option to OPEN, SAVE or SAVE AS the file. If you like, open it to make sure you are exporting the correct appointment dates. Make sure to save the file in a location you can easily find later when you need to upload it.
If you OPEN it, it will open in a Spreadsheet (usually Microsoft Excel) - make sure to save it as CSV format (Comma Separated Variables)
- If the file automatically downloads, then it will usually be placed in your DOWNLOADS folder. That is where you will you will need to look for the file when you upload it.
You're done with the export. Now you need to login to your account at to upload and schedule when the reminders will be sent out.
Here are instructions showing you how to get that done.