This article describes how you can easily make appointment reminder calls or text messages from Greenway Prime Suite using 1-800 Notify.
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Note: This standard report only shows the patient's home number. If you need the cell number, then you should check out this related article showing how to export a custom report from Greenway.
1. Log in to Greenway Prime Suite Practice Management.
2. Click on the Reporting menu, then Report Selection or (F7), then click Schedule in the left edge of the screen, and then “Appointment Detail Patient Report” under Analysis/Management.
3. Select Date Range from the Date pull-down and adjust the Date From: and To: to be the date of the scheduled appointments for which you want to send reminder calls or texts.
4. Then, adjust Resource, Appointment Type and Locations as required for your needs.
5. When you have finished your selections, click Export in the left column.
6. You will now be given the opportunity to name the appointment export file and select a folder to store it.
We recommend using the date to the file name that has the date in it like this:
(For 7/14/2015 – you cannot use the “/” in the file name)
And you should store it in a folder (or your Desktop) where you can easily find it when you need to upload it later.
--------------------- YOU'RE DONE WITH THE EXPORT --------------------------
Now, login to your account and upload this file securely to start the reminders to your patients.