Appointment Reminders from Henry Schein OMS Vision (OMS Vision) with 1-800 Notify

How to send patient appointment reminders from Henry Schein OMS Vision (OMSVision) Software.  This article shows you how to send patient appointment reminder calls from your OMSVision system using the 1-800 Notify ( service.

Want to try our appointment reminders?  Click here. 

1. Bring up the scheduling screen in OMS Vision.

2. Select the date of the appointments for you wish to send reminders, ususally 2 days from today.

3. Click the Printer icon next to the binoculars and select Appointments from the drop-down list.

4. Leave all the options on the pop-up window as default and click OK.

5.  On the print preview screen, verify you are looking at the correct date of appointments, then click the EXPORT button.

6. What happens next may vary based on your particular system.

- The Export file may automatically download and be saved on your computer, usually in the DOWNLOADS folder.

- If you see a pop-up window asking you where to save the exported file and the file name, then we recommend saving it someplace easy to find later (when you have to upload it to 1-800 Notify) and naming it as the date of the appointments.  

For example, if the appointments exported for 05/28/2015, then name the file 05-28-2015 (cannot use the "/" in the name, so use a "-" instead or nothing).


You're done with the export, now log into your account on to upload these appointments and specify when you want the reminders to be sent to your patients.

Click here for instructions showing how to get this done. 

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