This article describes how you can easily make appointment reminder calls or text messages from Eagle Soft (Patterson Technology) using 1-800 Notify.
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1. Log in to Eagle Soft.
2. Click on the "Activities" button on the top and look for and press "Reports".
3. It will bring up a screen titled "Report Listing", click on the "Scheduler" tab, then click on the "Appointments" report, and then click on "Process".
4. Select "Other Range Of Dates" and the Range of the appointment dates.
5. Press "Preview Report".
6. When you see the report preview appear, Right-click the preview and look for "Save Data as..." and click it.
7. Save the file in an easily accessible folder so you can find it (such as the Desktop or a new folder called "1-800 Notify"), then save as the date of the appointment and then press "OK"
--------------------- YOU'RE DONE WITH THE EXPORT --------------------------
Now, login to your account and upload this file securely to start the reminders to your patients.