Now, you can easily send automated appointment reminders (call or text) from your schedule in AllMeds EHR and Practice Management system. AllMeds technical support can help you generate your automated export file for 1-800 Notify so you can easily send appointment reminders to all your patients that honor their preference - CALL, TEXT or EMAIL.
How do we send texts? We can auto-detect if the phone number you entered is a valid mobile phone or a land line (even if it's in the home phone field). If it's a mobile phone and you want us to send a text message reminder, we'll do it.
STEP 1: Sign up for our Free Trial -- Learn more!
STEP 2: Contact your AllMeds Support Staff
Just talk with your AllMeds support staff and they can get you setup with the automated daily upload to 1-800 Notify. If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-939-1853 and we'll be happy to help you get started.