Automated Appointment Reminders Integrated with Credible EHR by Qualifacts saves time for our team!


Before Arisa Health (an Arkansas Community Behavioral Health System) had 1800 Notify, their office staff would be scrambling to make appointment reminder calls early in the morning or late in the evening. It created a lot of stress when any call was forgotten because it resulted in no shows.


Now, Arisa safely relies on 1800 Notify to ensure every customized appointment reminder (both calls AND texts) go out to every one of their clients. “This is a huge burden off our staff as we have over 50 locations and send an average of 42,000 appointment reminders monthly!” the Arisa team shared.


Alla Davis, Arisa’s Director of Programming appreciates the seamless process, “We create a simple report from Credible EHR by Qualifacts daily which is securely, automatically transferred to trigger the process. It’s much easier on our staff than calling every patient!”


Arisa manages their patients using Credible EHR by Qualifacts which is integrated with the 1800 Notify appointment reminder system. Once Arisa’s technology team sends the daily file to 1800 Notify, 1800 Notify automatically sends out all the reminders to patients. Arisa’s staff can immediately check the appointment reminder statuses on the 1800 Notify easy-to-use portal at any time to review send progress, text open rates, and more!  


Arisas’ clients have come to greatly rely on these reminders, especially when there are urgent, last minute updates (such as outages, natural disasters, or location changes). 1800 Notify makes broadcasting these updates quick and easy. Anne Sheetz, Vice President of Operations at Arisa is grateful for the responsive 1800 Team, “When one of our locations was damaged by a tornado, our Account Manager, Melinda, at 1800 Notify was able to send out a broadcast message to share the location update with our patients. Melinda is always ready for any request and highly responsive!” 


In 2020, four community mental health centers, Mid-South Health Systems (MSHS), Ozark Guidance, Inc. (OGC), Counseling Associates, Inc. (CAI) and Professional Counseling Associates, Inc.(PCA), formed an affiliation known as Arisa Health, leading them to become Arkansas’ premier integrated behavioral health system. MSHS and OGC began working with 1800 Notify in 2016, CAI and PCA had never before used an appointment reminder service, but 1800 Notify’s excellent customer service team made it easy to incorporate the new office staff and train them how to use the service integrated with Credible EHR by Qualifacts. Now they are grateful for the time it saves their staff every month!

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