NextGen Enterprise Billing Reminder Text (Pay by Link) or Call

This article describes how you can use a standard NextGen Statement Run Report to generate Texts or Calls to your patients to remind them they have a balance due and provide an easy path to payment.


Greenfield Practice Reminder
Our records show you have an outstanding balance due.
Pay online:
Pay by phone: 888-555-1234
Questions? Call 386-555-2222
Reply STOP to opt-out

Patients can pay using your online payment portal, or a Payment IVR (also setup by 1800 Notify), and if they have questions, they can call your staff at the number provided.


Process to generate the report:

Step 1 - Use the standard "Statement Run Report" 

You may run this report once per week or a different frequency to send your Statements out to patients.  You will send the billing reminder texts and calls on the same frequency as your statements.

Step 2 - Download the report into Excel to do some optional manipulation.

Once you work out the specific manual manipulation in Excel and test out your process, you can work with your 1800 Notify Implementation Manager to automate the manipulation.


The desired manipulation depends on your specific reminder strategy - please work with your 1800 Notify Implementation Manager to determine the best strategy for your organization.


One example strategy might be:

Send a reminder text or call when the Stmt Counter reaches 3, 4 and 5, but stop after that.

To enable this strategy, you would first remove Col D (Ins Bal)

Then Remove all rows where the Stmt Counter is not equal to 3, 4 or 5.

Step 3 - Send the File to 1800 Notify (can be automated) 

This file can be uploaded to the portal or sent via SFTP either manually or automatically.

If you have a Payment IVR Service running with 1800 Notify, 1800 Notify will be able to pull all the patient phone numbers from your daily IVR Validation File you send.

If you do not have a Payment IVR service running, then discuss the options to get the required patient phone numbers in the data file to send out texts or calls. 



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