In less than 3 months, our 1800 Notify Payment IVR with JP Morgan Healthcare Payments has handled 4,000 calls and collected almost $200,000 -- we no longer feel short staffed in customer service.

1800 Notify’s Self-Service Payment IVR was a huge win for this leading eye care provider’s 30 locations across Ohio and Michigan. 

Saved Staff Time and Improved Customer Service Quality

In less than 3 months since implementation, the IVR has handled 4000 calls and collected almost $200,000. The eye care provider’s Manager of Patient Financial Experience, Melissa noted, “We felt understaffed for a while, but now with the pay-by-phone IVR our call volume is manageable, allowing our team to focus on more important projects!” 

Self-service Phone Payments Can Now be Made 24/7

1800 Notify’s Self-Service Payment IVR is easy to use and convenient for patients to now pay their bills 24/7 including after work and on weekends! Melissa, Manager of Patient Financial Experience, shared  “It's been really quiet from our customer service teams, which means we haven't been getting any questions or concerns from patients on how to use the IVR!” The 24/7 Self-Service Payment IVR allows patients to pay their bills, hear their balance, and save a tokenized payment method on file making it even quicker to pay next time!


All Payments Processed through JP Morgan Chase

1800 Notify’s Payment IVR has real time integration with InstaMed, JP Morgan Healthcare Payments which allows patient payments to be appropriately routed to one of over 30 unique location payment outlets across Michigan and Ohio. 1800 Notify makes it easy to add future InstaMed outlets as this leading eye care provider acquires new locations in the future. 1800 Notify has partnered with JP Morgan Chase (InstaMed) as a trusted IVR vendor since 2015.



InstaMed is a wholly owned subsidiary and a registered MSP/ISO of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.

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