We have another article showing the steps to get setup with appointment reminders for Healthpac:
In this article, we show you what the results should look like inside the Healthpac scheduler:
You should see the confirmed appointments change status to confirmed.
The details of the appointment reminder results will also be placed into the appointment notes field.
NOTE: You do have to check a box inside the Healthpac settings called "Update Appt. Comments with Call Result?" in order to have the results update as shown in this article.
Status Messages for Appointment Reminders Seen in Comments
Appointment confirmed
The person pressed 1 to confirm their appointment via a phone call.
Appointment confirmed (Y / Si)
The patient replied “Y” or “Si” to confirm their appointment via text.
Cancelled (N)
(You will only see this status if Cancel by Text is enabled in your account and your text say "Reply N to cancel") The patient replied “N” or “No” to cancel their appointment via text.
Cancel requested
(You will only see this status if your Phone reminders have a "press 2 to cancel" option) The patient answered the call reminder and pressed 2 to cancel their appointment.
Transfer to Office
The patient answered the call then pressed 2 to talk to someone in your office. They may have wanted to cancel, reschedule or simply have questions.
Person answered
Someone answered the phone and listened to the message or simply answered said Hello and hung up.
* If you see this, then you want to speak to the patient to make sure they know to press 1 to confirm their appointment before they hang-up their phone – they can press 1 at any time.
Text Message Sent
A text message SMS (Short Message Service) was delivered, but no reply received by the time you are viewing the report.
* Note: A patient could reply AFTER you receive the report to confirm, but it would not show up on your report from earlier.
Left message
A voice reminder call message was left on an answering machine or voice mail after our system heard the “BEEP.”
Busy or no answer
The person was not reachable after a 4 tries (phone had busy signal, other error signal, or simply no answering machine on this number). We usually wait 15 minutes between re-tries, so over 45 minutes we tried them 4 times.
* If you see this status, then most likely, this is a bad phone number for this patient – it’s good to ask them “We weren’t able to reach you, is _____________ your best phone number?”
Invalid / Missing phone
If the patient has no phone number or it is missing digits (e.g. the area code, then we cannot make the call)
Ask the patient for their phone number next time they come in for a visit.
Cancelled by Rules
This reminder was cancelled by our system and not delivered to the patient for any number of reasons. Examples include: This was a TEXT only reminder and the patient did not have a phone number capable of receiving a text (e.g. they had a land line phone), this reminder was for another clinic (not yours), this appointment was already cancelled or rescheduled, this was a reminder for a specific appointment type for which you did not want us to send a reminder.