This article will show you how to send customized professional reminder calls or text messages to all your dr chrono patients. If you want to send affordable appointment reminder calls and texts from dr chrono, you can use the service from 1-800 Notify by simply exporting your Appointment Report from your system and uploading it to your HIPAA secure account. It's very easy to setup and use. Once you get going, it just takes about 3 minutes a day to call all your patients!
Like to give appointment reminders a try for free? Check out our 30-day Free Trial
STEP 1: Bring up the Appointment Report
1-1 - From the Reports menu, select Appointment Report.
1-2 - Adjust the Filters as needed, especially the DATE fields to export the date of the appointments for which you wish to reminders.
Then, use this related article to upload your exported file: