You can now easily send appointment reminder calls or texts from your Centriq schedule. Just run a simple standard report and export it to Excel. Upload that file to your secure, HIPAA-compliant account at and you're done!
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1. Log into Centriq.
2. Select Reports > Appt Status Reports > Appt Reminder Notice.
3. Select the dates of the appointments for which you want to send reminders.
Click Find.
4. When the patients appear on the list,
Check the box next to "Select All"
Click the Preview icon next to Print.
5. When the preview report appears, verify that you have the correct patients for the date you selected.
Then, click the "Export Report" icon in the upper left corner.
6. On the Save As window, make sure to select
Save as Type = Microsoft Excel (97-2003, Data Only)
Name the file something meaningful, like the date of the exported appointments = 04-26-2019
Make sure you know where the report is being saved - in this example, it's going to the Desktop.
You're done with the export, now you're ready to upload the file to your account at so you can begin sending your phone call or text message reminders.
Please follow these instructions: