Now, you can easily send automated appointment reminders (call or text) from your schedule in Eyefinity OfficeMate. Below shows you the simple steps to export your daily schedule to a Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (XLS) file so you can easily and securely upload it to your account at
NOTE: We have a different way to export from Office Mate that exports to Adobe PDF (PDF) format. Those instructions can be found in this article. (click here)
NOTE: Phone numbers that can be exported are your HOME phone numbers from Office Mate, so if you want to send calls or texts to the patient's mobile phone, make sure you copy the mobile (cell) phone into the patient's home phone field in Office Mate.
How do we text? We can auto-detect if the phone number you entered is a valid mobile phone or a land line. If it's a mobile phone and you want us to send a text message reminder, we'll do it.
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STEP 1: Click Reports Icon > Daily Tab > Appointment Schedule
1.1 From the icon bar, click on the Reports icon.
1.2 Then in the Daily tab, click on the Appointment Schedule Report Name.
1.3 Select the Date from the date drop down and click "Set Date"
1.4 Make sure to set Provider = (all)
1.5 Then click "Preview"
STEP 2: From the Preview, Click Export and Select "MS Excel 97-2000 (Data only)"
2.1 Verify you are seeing a report of the patients you wish to export and send reminders.
2.2 Click the Export icon (upper left corner - next to the printer icon).
2.3 In the next window, select
Format = MS Excel 97-2000
Destination = Disk file.
2.4 On the next screen, leave everything alone, click OK.
2.5 In the Select Export File window...
Make sure to put the file into a folder you can easily find later when you upload it.
Name the file the date of your exported appointments - e.g. 051319 for 05/13/2019 appointments.
You're done with the export.
Now you can upload that file to your secure account at and start sending your reminder calls or texts.
STEP 3: Login and Upload the Exported file to
Use these instructions: