MedWare Scheduler Appointment Reminder Calls and Texts (MedWare) PDF Print Format

This article describes how you can easily send appointment reminder calls or text messages from your MedWare Scheduler using 1-800 Notify.  

We have a related article that shows you how to export in a CSV format, see this article:


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STEP 1: Export the Daily Schedule from MedWare to a PDF Print File

1.1  From the menu select Reports > Schedule Print-Outs > Type of Appointment



1.2  Select the Start and End dates for the appointment date for which you want to send your reminder calls or texts.  Leave as ALL providers, ALL types (unless you have a reason to select specific providers).  Leave all the boxes unchecked.



1.3 Now, the report preview window will appear.  Verify you are looking at the correct patients / date, etc.

Click the printer icon in the upper left corner.



1.4  Select a PDF printer.  You can download any free PDF print driver from the Internet, if you don't already have one installed.  In this example, we show CutePDF Writer (, but you can use many others.



1.5  You can now choose a name for the exported PDF file and see where it's going (what folder).


Make sure you name the file something that will make it easy to find when you need to upload it to in the next step.  Usually the date of the exported appointments works well: 04-02-2019.pdf


Also, note the folder location where the file is being saved.




STEP 2: Upload the PDF file to your account at and schedule your calls or texts to go out.

See this related article: 










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