Appointment Reminder Texts and Calls with NextGen (NextGen-T-D_F)


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You can now easily send appointment reminder texts or calls for all your patients if you use NextGen. There are various versions which 1-800 Notify is compatible with. If this procedure doesn't work for your version, please check out our other article for a different version:

Getting Set-up:  Create a New Saved Memorized Report

In order to use this process, you will need to be able to create a custom report from the Appointment List reports in NextGen with the fields in this order:

Patient Name    Appt Date     Begin Time     Home Phone     Day Phone

NOTE: We expect that the patient's mobile (cell) phone used for texting reminders will be in the Day Phone field.

You also need to have the Practice and Provider name listed and group by Practice then Provider.

Save this new report as a Memorized Report.

The Plug-In you will choose in 1800 Notify to read this file format is: NextGen-T-D_F 

Step 1: Run and Export the schedule to a TXT (Ascii) file

1.1  Click on the reports icon or bring up the reports from the menu.


1.2  In the Memorized Reports window, select Scheduling under Report Type

1.3  Locate and double-click the report you saved in the Getting Set Up step above. 

In this example the report is called: 800 Notify Appt Schedule


1.4  In the Report filter window, click Filter 1 in the left column, then select the Appt Date in the upper portion of the window - this could be the next working day or two working days ahead (which might be Monday or Tuesday of next week).  Then click OK.


1.5  Once the Schedule report appears, verify the dates for the report are correct (for the date of the appointments you want do do the appointment reminder calls).  If everything looks OK, then click **Export to ASCII button **as shown.


1.6  In the Save As pop-up window, make sure to:

  • Use the pull-down at the top next to Save In
  • A folder location that you will be able to "see" when you need to upload the file to 1800 Notify
  • Usually, this will be a networked drive that is visible from both Nextgen and your desktop computer.

Name the file as the date of the exported appointments.

Example: 10-31-2019.txt

For appointments scheduled on 10/31/2019

Click Save.


Step 2:  Upload that file to your account on

Now that you have your exported appointment file, use the link below to upload and schedule your appointment reminders: 

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