Who should we set up as users in the secure portal? (for Appointment Reminders)

Your organization uses 1-800 Notify for appointment reminders, and you might ask: 
Who should be a user?
Anyone at your front desk or organization who might need to:
  1. See the status of the appointment reminders - Example: which patients confirmed their appointments, which patients we left voice messages for, or which patients received text messages to (but did not reply).  

    Related articles --
    How to view results: https://1800notify.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204739189
    How to interpret appt. reminder statuses:  https://1800notify.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001341031

  2. See which patient's phone numbers were unreachable (a person or voice mail did not pick up) after 4 retries over 45 minutes.  The status = "Busy or no answer"  Then your staff would need to make sure to ask that patient for their updated phone number next time they come into the office.

    Related article:
    Understanding Busy Retries / No Answer: https://1800notify.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000789811

  3. Handle a complaint from a patient who says "I never received a call or text" and be able to log into the portal to verify that yes - they did (by seeing the delivered message) or no they did not by seeing that the phone # was bad for this patient. - or yes they did, but someone else answered the call and hung up.

    Related articles:
    Listening to a Phone Call Reminder:  https://1800notify.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/201904329
    Listening to a Recorded Message:  https://1800notify.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000111306
    Viewing a Text Message: https://1800notify.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207569853

  4. Handle a complaint from a patient who says "The reminder told me to arrive at 8:15a" - then your staff could login and verify that was the case by listening to the phone reminder message or viewing the text sent and see it says "8:00a" or actually says "8:15a"..  critical to develop and instill confidence in the system.
    Related articles - same as # 3 above.
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