If you are utilizing Epic Web Services and find that the first request or two of the day can take 10 or 20 seconds, this article should be able to help. Special thanks to Shawn Noland for this tip article.
This article is for Windows Server 2012 and higher (IIS 8+)
This article assumes your URL for production web services ends in "/ivrppprd"
like this:
1. Open IIS Manager on your Reverse Proxy Server.
2. Navigate to your Application Pools settings.
3. Locate the correct application pool, in this example it's ivrppprd
4. Right-click and select Advanced Settings.
5. Set Start Mode to AlwaysRunning
6. Click OK.
7. In the left pane of IIS Manager, navigate to the web application again (ivrppprd)
8. Right click the application (ivrppprd) and select Manage Application > Advanced Settings
9. Set Preload Enabled to True
10. Click OK.
11. Restart IIS.