Once you have your 1-800 Notify IVR Autopay by Phone system up and running, you will need to add new clients who wish to use your IVR system. This article explains the general steps. Depending on your particular setup, some steps may not apply.
How to contact 1-800 Notify Support:
Email: support@1800notify.com // Phone: 1-800-939-1853
STEP 1: Make sure the new client has a payment outlet setup with your payment processor.
1.1 Email 1-800 Notify (see email address above) to send you a list of all your clients who are currently setup in the IVR to check to see if your client may already have a payment outlet setup.
1.2 If needed, contact your payment processor (could be InstaMed or another processor you use) and ask them to setup a payment outlet for your new client to be used on the IVR.
1.3 Supply that new payment outlet to 1-800 Notify by emailing to Support@1800notify.com
Key information to supply:
Your billing office where this client will be located (if you have more than one billing office/IVR)
Outlet information (usually Merchant ID - Store ID - Terminal ID) ex. "111222333444555-0001-0002"
Your client code: e.g. ABC1
Your client's friendly name: e.g. Alpha Beta Counseling
1.4 Wait to hear back from 1-800 Notify that the new outlet is successfully implemented in the IVR.
(Step 2 only applies if you have your clients patients reach your billing office using their own dedicated phone numbers)
STEP 2: Acquire a new dedicated phone number for your new client. (may not apply in all cases)
2.1 Set up the phone menu system on this phone number to allow a transfer to the IVR to be used for this client.
2.2 If you don't know your IVR number for your billing office, then please email 1800 Notify Support. Use this IVR number to transfer to when a patient wants to make a payment.
STEP 3: Test the new transfer from your office and validate a few patient balances.
3.1 Once you have completed implementing the phone menu system to transfer to the IVR for your billing office, then obtain a few patients information from your database to call in and validate the transfer is working and patients can be validated and hear their balances.
3.2 You should be able to:
(a) Call your billing office phone number and transfer to the 1-800 Notify Payment IVR to hear the greeting.
(b) Enter identification and authentication information (e.g. last 4 of account number and date of birth) and be able to hear the correct balance.
(c) After you hear the balance, do you hear the client name?
(d) Press the option to pay your balance after hearing the main menu: (e.g. Press 1 to repeat your balance, press 2 to make a payment) - Press 2 -- do you hear the next prompt either to get your credit card, or asking you if you want to use a credit card or checking account?
If you hear: "We are sorry but your provider does not accept electronic payments" then something is not quite setup yet - and please contact 1-800 Notify support.
Once you've run through all the tests, and you are satisfied, then the client's patients can now be given your phone number and you can inform your client that the IVR Phone Payment system is set up.