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Appointment Reminders with MD Synergy and 1-800 Notify


This article will show you how to make Automated Patient Appointment Reminder Calls with MD Synergy and 1-800 Notify by exporting the daily appointment listing report.

  1. From the menu, select Appointments > Print > Appointment Listing.


  1. Then adjust selections as shown:
    Appt Book (ALL)
    Arrival Status (ALL)
    Date From / To (the dates for the patient appointments for which you want to send the reminders)
    Facility (ALL)
    Show Notes (checked)
    Show Patient Email (checked)


3. Then click SEARCH to display the results.  Double-check that you have selected the correct appointment dates, facility, etc.

  1. In the upper right corner next to the printer icon, there is a pull down menu, select EXPORT.


  1. What happens next is that the file will be automatically downloaded to your computer, or you will be asked if it's OK to download it and save it.

If you see a yellow or orange bark asking you to open or save the file, please click "save" or use the pull-down next to save and select "Save As"

Then adjust the name to the date of the exported appointments - e.g. if you exported November 17, 2014, then name the file 11-17-14 (so you know which appointments it contains and it's easy to locate later when you want to upload it.


-------------- YOU'RE DONE WITH THE EXPORT ----------

Now you need to login to your account at and securely upload the file you just exported to start sending the reminders.

Here are instructions showing how to get that done:



Martin Trautschold

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