Voice Samples -- Recorded Human & Synthetic or Text to Speech (TTS) from 1-800 Notify
While we 1-800 Notify staff can professionally record messages for your appointment, lab work, wellness, and billing reminders, there may be times you want to use one of our text-to-speech (TTS) computer voices.
Can be found on our DEMO page here:
Benefits to Text To Speech Voices
- Quickly set up a new message
- Quickly make changes to your message by simply typing changes on your computer
- Support both English and Spanish quickly.
1-800 Notify Synthetic Speech Voices
Ava - English (US) Female
Tom - English (US) Male
Juan - Spanish (Central America) Male
Paulina - Spanish (Central America) Female
Benefits to Recorded Human Voices
- Improve patient answer and listen rates
- More inflection possible than with synthetic voices
- Enhance Your Professional Image
1-800 Notify Recorded Human Voices
English (US) Male
Spanish (Central American) Male
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