Appointment Reminders with e-MDs and 1-800 Notify (eMDs)

How to send patient appointment reminders from e-MDs Software.  This article shows you how to send patient appointment reminder calls or texts from your e-MDs system using the 1-800 Notify ( service.

Want to try our appointment reminders?  Click here. 

1. From the Scheduling system, select Reports > Appointment Confirmations.


2. Select the Appointment Date Range, Resource Type, Resources and Facility as needed.  Usually you will be selecting appointments for 2 working days ahead of today.

(Don't type the date -- it does not always work correctly).

Then click "Search"


3. Now, verify you are looking at the correct appointment date, then click Print at the top of the window.

4. Next select a PDF printer from the list of printers.

If you don't have a PDF print driver, then please install a free one, we have instructions showing how to get this done in this related article.

Depending on the PDF print driver you have, the screens will look a little different.

If given the change you want to:

- Locate the saved PDF file in a folder you can easily find later (when you need to upload it to 1-800 Notify)

- Name the PDF file something that wiil help you find it later (e.g. the date of the appointments - 06-02-2015.pdf)


You're done getting the schedule exported from e-MDs, now you need to login to your account at and upload the schedule using these instructions.

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