e-MDs Annual Well Woman Recalls (Call or Text Message)

How to send well woman annual exam recall reminders (or any other type of annual or wellness reminder) from e-MDs Software.  This article shows you how to quickly send calls or text message reminders to your patients from your e-MDs system using the 1-800 Notify (www.1800notify.com) service.

Want to try our appointment reminders or well woman recall messages?  Click here. 

1. Start the e-MDs Bill program.

2. From the Reports menu, select Notice Processor.

3. In the Recall Date section, select only the ANNUAL EXAM from the check-box list (instead of All).

4. Enter the Date Range for your recalls.  You could do a single month (say next month) or you could do the next 3 months.

5. Click the Select check in the upper left corner to run the report.

6. Now, you will see a preview of your report.  Click the printer icon in the upper left corner.  Select a PDF printer (e.g. Adobe PDF, PrimoPDF, or any PDF print drive) and save the file as a PDF format.

If you don't have a PDF print driver, then please install a free one, we have instructions showing how to get this done in this related article.

Depending on the PDF print driver you have, the screens will look a little different.

If given the change you want to:

- Locate the saved PDF file in a folder you can easily find later (when you need to upload it to 1-800 Notify)

- Name the PDF file something that wiil help you find it later (e.g. the date of the well woman recalls - e.g.  2015 January.pdf)


You're done getting the well woman data exported from e-MDs, now you need to login to your account at www.1800notify.com and upload the data file using these instructions to call or text your patients.

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