Want to try our appointment reminders? Click here: http://www.1800notify.com/signup/
You can now easily send appointment reminder calls or texts for all your patients if you use Allscripts Sunrise Radiology System. There are various versions which 1-800 Notify is compatible with. We also have a fully-automated system using Allscripts Integration, please contact us at 1-800-939-1853 or email at support@1800notify.com to get setup with the automation.
ONE-TIME SETUP: Create a new Exam List Report in Allscripts Sunrise
Create a new exam list report with the following columns in this order:
Facility | Exam Start Date / Time | Modality | Procedure | Patient name | Patient telephone numbers | Patient MRN | Room | SCM Order (Exams custom) | Accession # |
Include the Modalities, Exam Statuses and Priorities that make sense for your environment.
Report format = Excel
DAILY ROUTINE: Run the new Allscripts Sunrise report
1. Pull up the Report templates and select the one created for 1-800 Notify Appointment Reminders
2. Click on the Exam date From and To fields to adjust the date of the appointments to pull for the reminders.
If you are sending a phone call 2 days prior, then pull the schedule for 2 days ahead of today. For a text reminder tomorrow, then pull tomorrow's schedule.
3. Click Generate to generate the Excel file.
4. Name the file something easy to remember and place it in a folder you can easily find later when you need to upload the file.
Example, if you were uploading the 2 day ahead schedule for call reminders on 12/8/17, you might name the file 12-8-17-CALLS
Similarly, if you were exporting tomorrow's schedule to send TEXT reminders, you might name the file 12-7-17-TEXTS
NEXT, login and upload that file to your account at www.1800notify.com by following the steps in this article: