Healthpac Billing Reminder Calls using the Demographic CSV Report File

This article shows you how to easily extract data from your Healthpac HPlusPRO software to send billing reminder calls to all your patients or your client's patients using 1-800 Notify.  

These instructions show you how to generate the file using the Demographic CSV report.  If you want to use the Transaction CSV report, then please see this related article.

You will create a CSV export file, then upload that file to 1-800 Notify through your secure online portal.  You will be able to edit the CSV file to delete rows or adjust data, but be sure not to add or remove any columns. 

Report can be processed in Super Client. The system will skip a practice if Bypass During Super Client Reports option is selected. This option can be found in Practice Information.

1. In Healthpac HPlusPRO, from the Main Menu, select:

H) Management Programs

    H) CSV Generators

         B) Demographic CSV Report File

You will see this screen to select various options to choose patients for the billing reminder calls:

Fin Class, Provider, Location, and Referrer: Enter a specific code or a comma-separated list of the codes to include on the output. These fields are demographic-level filters.

First letter: To filter by patient last names, enter the beginning letter of the alphabet to include.

Last Letter: To filter by patient last names, enter the last letter of the alphabet to include.

Insurance type/Insurance code: Enter the insurance code or insurance type, if desired. These are demographic-level filters. F2 Search and select is available.

Last charged >: To include accounts within a last charge date range, enter the first date in the range here.

Last charged <: To include accounts within a last charge date range, enter the last date in the range here.

Last paid >: To include accounts within a last payment date range, enter the first date of the range here.

Last Paid< : To include accounts within a last payment date range, enter the last date of the range here.

Balance >=/Balance <=: To include accounts within a range of account balances, enter the range in these fields. It is possible to use only one field. EXAMPLE: to include all patient accounts with a balance of $100 or greater, enter 100.00 in the Balance >= field.

Stop Statement/Stop Claims/Stop Charges: Enter a “Y” in any one of these fields to include accounts that have a "Y" in the field on the Guarantor screen.
CAUTION: If each field is marked as a "Y", the system will report only those patients that have a "Y" in each field.

Inactive Insurance: Default is "N"- if field is left "blank" or an "N" is entered, inactive insurance will be skipped. Enter a "Y" to include any patients with a particular carrier, whether active or inactive.

Practice Category: This field is applicable only in super client mode. To run the CSV for a specific practice category, enter the category code here and the CSV will report data from all clients with that practice category.

CSV Jobs: This is where you would type "1800DEMO".

Path/Folder: The default path for the CSV file is C:\Outgoing. Type in an alternative path, if desired. If an alternate path is used with a CSV job, it will be retained with that job.

File Name: The DO NOT change what is populated in this field.

3. After all parameters are entered, hit F5 to save and move to the Data Output Screen.

Do not change the data elements selected on this screen. Press F5 to launch the process or click "Run".

You are now done with your file export. 


Next, login to your secure account at and upload your file using the steps in this article.


When your calls are completed, you can then re-import the calling results directly back into Healthpac using this related article.

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