This article lists the latest Audit and features for the IVR systems - some features are not available in all systems -
Acct#, Acct# entered
This particular one indicates that the caller has made it to this menu. When the caller enters an account number, it will be displayed in the audit trail exactly what was keyed in.
"Match" and "No Match"
After the value is entered and determined to be right or wrong and a Match or No Match is displayed.
When we use "GetBillingPatientFromGuarantor" and we receive this error:
If we pull the "NO-PATIENT-FOUND" error, it means the the guarantor # is valid, but we can't proceed on the IVR.
I suggest we repeat the digits entered, just to verify that the caller typed in the correct Guarantor #.
"You entered (repeat digits). Press 1 if this is correct, or press 2 to re-enter your Guarantor Account."
If they press 1, then we say "We apologize, but you will need to talk with an agent to discuss or pay your account" (or whatever language you would like)
Then we offer them a transfer to the billing office (or if after hours, the phone # and office hours to call back)
If they press 2, then they get to re-enter their Guarantor #.
Person identified
In cases where the caller enters a full Account or Guarantor # and it matches one unique Guarantor or Account number (mostly just for Epic Web Services IVRs), this is used after the match is made.
This means that the caller typed in a date of birth (DOB).
This means the caller successfully authenticated using their DOB.
The caller successfully authenticated using the last 4 of their SSN. (Not an option on all IVRs)
The caller successfully authenticated using a phone number associated with the Guarantor Account. (Not an option on all IVRs.)
BadDebt (not on all IVRs)
SPECIAL CASE: When the "PatientBalance" field is missing altogether from the result of "Get Patient Billing Details" (not zero, but missing). Or if the Guarantor ID is missing from the response as well, then we we say something like: "Your balance is currently with our collection agency (agency name), please call (phone #) to reach them weekdays 9am to 5pm" and set this audit code "BadDebt" into the audit trail.
guar bal(x.x)
The current statement balance for this guarantor is $x.x.
If the guarantor does not have a payment plan in place, this balance is their total "Patient Balance" due.
If the guarantor does have a payment plan in place, this balance is their current statement balance based on their monthly payment plan amount.
pp tot bal(y.y)
This only appears if the guarantor does have a payment plan in place, this balance is their total "Patient Balance" due.
sa(number) (Epic Only)
This shows that the Service Area associated with the Guarantor Account entered was "number".
Epic Community Connect Practice Name (some IVRs) (Epic Only)
This is the name associated with the Service Area, if not the default service area for this particular client's main Hospital.
The caller heard their balance and the main menu.
The caller pressed the option to hear More Options from the Main Menu.
Recent payments
The caller pressed the option to hear recent payments on their account.
Det. Bill (electronic) (Epic only)
Indicates that a caller requested that a detailed hospital bill be generated in an electronic (PDF format) and placed in their MyChart secure Epic portal account.
Det. Bill (mail) (Epic only)
Indicates that a caller requested that a detailed hospital bill be printed and mailed to them at the mailing address of record for their guarantor account.
The caller pressed the button to hear the office hours and phone number or other contact information.
Whenever a caller presses the button to start over at the beginning with a new account #.
The caller pressed the option to transfer to the billing office. The IVR only offers this option during working hours for the client's billing office.
The caller selected the option to make a payment from the Main Menu.
The caller selected to pay their full balance due.
The caller decided to pay less than the full balance due.
The caller selected to use a Credit Card or Debit Card to pay.
The caller pressed # to end the music on hold (giving them time to get their card).
The caller entered their Card number.
The caller entered their Card number expiration date.
The caller entered their Card billing zip code.
Attempt to charge the credit card with the payment processor.
The caller pressed # to end the music on hold (giving them time to get their check book).
The caller entered the checking account routing number.
The caller entered the checking account number.
Other xnnnn - Example Other x6579
Last 4 of the checking account or other card brand (besides the major ones) which was successfully charged.
The payment method selected was returned from the payment process as a successful charge. The caller is given their authorization code.
The payment method selected was returned from the payment process as a failed charge. The caller is given the option to re-try with another payment method.
(card brand) x (last 4 digits) - Example: "VISA x1111"
This shows the credit or debit card brand used as well as the last 4 digits on the card used.
ppay-success(amount) - Example ppay-success(25.00) (Epic only)
This shows that the post payment in Epic was successful with the amount shown in ( ).
ppay-failure(amount) - Example ppay-failure(35.00) (Epic only)
This shows that the Epic Post Payment process to post the payment to the Guarantor Account for the patient failed.
The caller heard the end or transfer menu and pressed the option to hang up or end the call.