If you want to create a report that shows you total IVR usage by client code (provider code) or sorted by other criteria such as total calls per month, this article will help you get that done.
1. Download the data in a range using the "CVS plus quoted w/duration" report (See steps 1-5 on this article: https://1800notify.
TIP: Download one month, or several months of data to analyze.
2. Open the file in Microsoft Excel on your computer.
3. Select "Pivot Table" from the Excel Insert menu.
Leave the defaults selected as shown, and click OK.
4. On the right side in the Pivot Table Fields, select (check) the following four fields in this order:
5. In the bottom right values area, click and drag "Sum of msg_name" from the Values box to the top of the Rows box as shown.
6. In the bottom (Values area) click on "Sum of duration"
