Create a New Phone Call Synthetic Voice Message

If you want to setup a new phone call synthetic speech voice message, here's how to get it done.  We'll use a message called Weather-Alert for this example - it's meant to be used to notify staff in the event of a weather (snow / ice) emergency and that they should come in 2 hours late or when the roads are safe to travel.

Creating a New Synthetic Speech Voice Message

1. Login to your secure portal at

2. Go to the LIBRARY tab.  Click on the PHONE - SPEECH sub tab.

3. Check to see if a message you want to use already exists in your account, using the search box.


4. Click the NEW button. 

5. Type in a Name for the message - in this example "Weather-Alert"

6. Choose a voice - in this example Ava (English female voice)


7. Type your message.  You can use tags like <name>, if your upload file has a name in it, otherwise leave out any tags.

8. Click Save.


Related Articles:

Locating the name of the Synthetic Speech Voice and Text Message used in a Reminder - Click here.

Edit or Modify a Phone Call Synthetic Voice Message - click here.

Creating a Text Message - click here.

Editing a Text Message - click here.

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